Welcome to
Neural Connections

Focusing on the root causes

Education for Practitioners, Parents, and Educators

Are you ready to empower yourself, your child or help others to become more empowered? At Neural Connections in Singapore, we provide tailored services for special needs children, their families, and the professionals who support them.

We build the foundation for complete wellbeing through treatment and training that prioritise neuro sensory integration, and reflex integration to regulate the nervous system and foster emotional, cognitive, and social skills.

Neural Connections is THE centre providing Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI) treatment and workshops in Singapore. We connect the brain and body, utilising a "bottom-up" approach, which addresses challenges at the root.

Who Do We Help?

Focusing from the foundations, we provide education and treatment to adults, children, siblings, and families with: 

  • Anxiety and stress issues, 

  • Regulation challenges

  • Gifted and Talented

  • sensory needs, 


  • dyslexia, 

  • Other developmental challenges. 

Young girl sitting with head in hands, reading book. Neural Connections, reading

Our neurodevelopmental approaches are grounded in science and include brain programs, sensory integration, primary reflex integration, and nervous system programs. We start with root causes.

We provide training, workshops, and presentations to educate the public, professionals, schools, clinics and organisations on the latest global research and strategies.

We aim to create awareness and offer support for better outcomes for neurodiverse individuals.

What Do We Do At Neural Connections?

Good brain connections and pathways are crucial for appropriate responses to our environment – whether at school, home or outside. Our neurodevelopmental approach gets to the root of the issue and facilitates the regulation of the nervous system, connecting the body and mind for optimal brain function.

Our specialised services are tailored to meet the unique demands of special needs children and their families.

Reorganise Your Brain and Improve Neural Connections with an MNRI Core Specialist

Our MNRI Specialist helps children and adults reorganise their brain and improve neural connections.

Our specialised techniques focus on sensory and primary reflex integration, working to reach lower levels of the brain that help regulate the nervous system.

Reach the Bottom-Brain Through Sensory and Reflex Work

We empower individuals with special needs, especially children. Our holistic strategies work from the foundations upwards for better cognitive development. Working with our MNRI Core Specialist, you can unlock new areas of your or your child's brain, creating better neural connections.

We give direction to parents seeking answers and the right information to be better informed. Our approach is designed for active participation, putting you in charge of your child's development and restoring balance for a brighter future.

How We Help Parents

Happy family posing for photo, showing harmony and togetherness

While we primarily serve with challenges, our techniques are for everybody. We know the impact of stress and trauma and we help individuals toward their full potential by addressing the root cause. We open the door to better brain and body health through sensory and reflex work.

Helping Those of All Abilities

Contact us.
Integrate your body and mind with an approach that leaves you feeling grounded and centred.