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Hsiao Bond Hsiao Bond

What Does Posture Have to do With Stress?

Ever wondered why it is that you feel more stressed out when slumped over? Or how sitting up straighter helps you feel a little better? We explore the correlation between stress and posture, and how you can reduce stress to improve your posture.

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Hsiao Bond Hsiao Bond

Primitive/Primary Reflexes - The Foundation of Our Movement

Have you ever marvelled at how infants are able to grip your finger when you offer it to them? Or how it is that babies know how to nurse and swallow? How do they even know what to do? How do we communicate with them when they can’t talk or don’t yet understand language? All these happen because of primitive/primary reflexes.

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Hsiao Bond Hsiao Bond

What is MNRI and How does it help?

Over here at Neural Connections, you’ve probably heard us talking and sharing about MNRI® and its extensive protocols – but what exactly is it and how does it work?

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Hsiao Bond Hsiao Bond

The Trunk – The Hero of the Body

If a child is facing difficulties – whether it be frustration with academics, inability to regulate strong emotions, difficulty in communication and social skills – rather than focusing on these as separate issues, maybe it’s time to turn our attention to the TRUNK.

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