An overlayed image of a child exploring their surroundings

Integrating NeuroSensoriMotor Reflexes;
Bridging Brain-Body Connection

Helping families and children thrive through MNRI®,
sensory and reflex integration


  • Happy asian woman guiding happy child

    Customised 1:1 Treatment

    Sensory & reflex integration using MNRI® protocols tailored exactly for you

  • Group of teenagers doing an activity together

    Kids & Teens Group Programmes

    Programmes & classes designed specially for neurodiverse kids & teens

  • A group of adults in a room learning together

    Bespoke Training for Practitioners & Educators

    Training & introductory talks on MNRI® for practitioners working with kids

  • Asian woman teaching other adults in a workshop

    MNRI® Workshops & Training

    Get access to certified MNRI® instructors through workshops & training

  • Asian woman guiding others in a class

    Parent Support

    From mentoring to parent practice sessions, we offer parents support and a community space.

Screenshot of a Teams call
Asian woman guiding baby

About Us

Neural Connections, founded by Hsiao Bond, is passionate about seeing families and children thrive. Specialising in the MNRI® (Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration) Method, we are THE centre to provide MNRI®  treatment and MNRI® workshops in Singapore.

At Neural Connections, we target challenges at the root, connecting brain and body through sensory and reflex integration. This helps regulate the nervous system and foster an overall sense of emotional and physical wellbeing.

Tailored support to meet individual needs

Babies and Toddlers

Supporting the development of motor, cognitive, emotional, and social skills in young babies and pre-schoolers.

Children, Tweens & Teens

Empowering neurodiverse children, tweens and teens to forge connections with themselves and each other through emotional regulation and group socialisation.

Practitioners & Educators

Education and training for practitioners & educators who work with children. 

Parents & Families

Empowering parents and families through mentorship and personalised support; focused workshops for parents.

Media we recommend

Masgutova MNRI® Introduction

Neurotransmitters Simple Overview by MNRI

MNRI Specialist explains MNRI

  • "I am happy with the improvement my daughter is making everyday. With lots of work and perseverance we will get there. Small steps, big changes."

    M; mother of 8 year old girl who is working on emotional regulation and sleep issues.

  • "Hsiao has been a really great support for me during this tough season that I am in. Not only during the session but outside of the session she took the time to check in on me. Her expertise and her guidance and explanations during the sessions have helped me gain a lot more knowledge on the work that she does to help me heal from trauma. Truly I am thankful for her."

    Rachel M; seeking treatment for herself

  • "My 13 yo has a very unique form of epilepsy, which means that her body has had many years of trauma. She has been lucky to have found Neural Connections, initially for 1-1 MNRI work and subsequently for Movement, Dance and communication with MNRI principles. She is a very perceptive child and looks forward to her time at Neural Connections every week. The therapies bring her calm and a good awareness of how to work with her own body."


  • "Our family's circle saw immense improvement in our child. They were extremely impressed and shocked at how fast this therapy has helped him. Our child now enjoys school, has made many friends, including the siblings of his classmates. His anxiety level has reduced and is more open to new experiences and challenges."

    Joyce; mother of 5 year old boy

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